Belly Dancing
I have decided that belly dancing is the ultimate form of dance expression. It celebrates the female form, no matter what age, race, weight or boob size a woman might have. Every woman who tries it immediately feels sexy and sensual. And any woman who attempts it will usually get the immediate and undivided attention of any males in the room, or so I have been told. The only male I ever danced in front of was my brother when I arrived home after a class and wanted to show off the new move I had mastered. He told me if I didn't stop, he was going to gouge his eyes out, since that was not the sort of thing a sister is supposed to know how to do. Of course, he said the same thing when I would stretch and do a few yoga moves to loosen up stiff muscles, so I take his opinion with a grain of salt.In addition to the sexy factor, belly dancing is a great form of exercise. There are moves to work every muscle in the body, one by one, ensuring an overall workout. Plus you have the cardio factored in from moving all around constantly. So the more you do it to feel sexy, the sexier your body becomes. Perfect!
I actually considered joining a troop once, before my last job went to hell and I ended up dropping everything and moving north. Not only would you get to put "professional belly dancer" on your resume, it was a great way to get training to go beyond the ameteur level. What really stopped me was that the troop required you to buy your costume up front from a specified dealer. And while her costumes were of exceptional quality, they carried an exceptional price tag. For something that would be no more than a weekend job to make a little extra cash and have a little fun, it wasn't worth it.
Bottom line: I loved doing it, and I miss it. Rachel found a class that starts in the summer, and Liz mentioned she might be interested too, so I think I will ask them again. In the meantime, I will have to settle for dancing around my apartment when I am home alone on the weekend, making the cats wonder if I have lost my mind.