Thursday, March 16, 2006

Painted lines?

Have you ever stopped to think that, while zooming along at 70+ miles per hour, other cars packed around you, sometimes as close as a half-foot away, the only thing that keeps us from running into each other are painted stripes? How did this sort of behavior evolve? How was this considered a good idea? Were the first highway planners sitting around asking themselves what the best way would be to prevent crashes, and some guy in the back pops up with a "Eureka!" cry, and proceeds to outline how paint is all they need?

Think of all the other problems we could solve in life if the same principle applied. Someone trying to invade you? Paint a solid yellow line across your border, and you are completely safe! Prisons getting too crowded? Group them all togehether and paint a big circle around them. Much cheaper than a building! Workers keep wandering away from their desks? Have someone come in a paint lines across their doors when they get in, and erase them at the end of the day!

Am I the only one who is a bit disturbed by the fact that only paint keeps us from dying in a horrific car crash?