Saturday, October 27, 2007

My Site!

Okay, I know all like two of you reading this know I've been getting my portfolio online, but I'm just so excited about it, I thought I would post here. It's pretty much done -- today Rich let me use his scanner to get in a few covers I couldn't find anywhere online, and he taught me about things like meta tags. It might make my true geek colors stand out, but it was really cool. I'm just having way to much fun with it, and it's going to be really nice to have everything in once place. I can use it both to store all my professional writing and resume, as well as a tool to help me get more freelance. So it's really cool, and I'm excited about it. :-D If you're interested in checking it out, I added a link to My Portfolio under Interesting Links, but you can also access it here: